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Posted by
on Saturday, October 11, 2008
1:17 PM
So, how r u now my dear?! Feeling well after throwing out of everything tat kept u for so long?! Feeling well after crying out of de tears tat shouldn't be anymore?! Actually we cant make any judgement bout how good or bad de person was in ur heart, we cant even ask u not to keep in touch v de person, but as wat i can said was to concern n protect of urself after so much of de scarred!! It was THE END for ur tragedy!!! Its over...don to let ur fragile heart to get hurt anymore towards de same person!! Here comes de question, wats tat so-called LOVE?! I jus know tat love was something tat cant be explain if we r de person concerned, but love shouldn't be BLIND!! U know, i've saw dis at my fren's profile!! It was written, it was hidden v a "LIE", even between "BELIEVE"!!!Suddenly felt so proud of dis person!! I've get to know u more, meanwhile, learned so much after de few hours of de conversation...Eventhough i cant felt de pain as u r, but my heart felt so painful after de sentimentalize past of urs... So much things had been happened on u, but still there's a smiling face facing us everyday no matter how grieved it actually was...As wat u've said, our appearance must be shown to be warm, even if our heart was cold when de time facing others!! Dis reminds me of de book tat i've bought, "Smile No Matter How Hardship You Are"!! I was jus on my way to start learning of how to overcome de sadness of de life, yet u've get to know dis meaning from de 1st!! Im gettin more shameless here...hmmm...Maybe dis is how de way u r to covered off de sadness by not to let ppl worried or even v ur own reasons behind, but pleased from now onwards, not to stay alone in de room when facing any problems, not to keep on bearing v de sorrow alone, k?!
Dear my fren, eventhough 1yr wasn't a long duration of our friendship, but we're already over de relationship of being a fren, cos now we're more towards de love as being a family members btw each other of our gang!! So, we're all ready to be de audience of each other n to share of our frame of mind to each other... Cant be denied tat u r really a person v a matured minded!! As wat i've said before, You're NOT alone as b'cos we'll oways be ther for u no matter smiling or crying n no matter when n where we r!! U're de BEST, my bosom friend!!
2 words for Ϋεη_燕:
dearFren,sorry for late to leave a lovely comment to u~
thanks a lot..
i really appreciate wht u've told me~
i'm ok now..
anyway, the most importance is our study currently..
the others is juz a subplot~
don worry~
everything is ok~
welcome oo...
now is de turn to a new start up lol,
dis is "yours fate"~~
wish u happiness oways ya...
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