im FuLL of sense of accomplishment Ooo...
Finally i've done sth for our DBU2 G.10 neh!!
last time i was planned to create a logo for G.10
but, im reali out of idea for tat...
so, dis is my compensate...
Finally i've done sth for our DBU2 G.10 neh!!
last time i was planned to create a logo for G.10
but, im reali out of idea for tat...
so, dis is my compensate...
izzit cute enough?!
wat a pity it wasn't a full picture of all de classmates!!
li chin n hui fen was left
they didn't ever take part on takin photograph v us!!
im so bad!!!
but wat to do?! jus forget it!!!
From now onwards,
ther'll be no more G.10...
it'll be a history for us...
left only de memory in our mind for de last few sem.
lost of our own Class Rep.,
lost of our own MemberShip,
lost also our own FreeDom in de class...
we had been forced to be separated
b'cos of de gradually decreasing on de no. of students in DBU2!!!
next sem most of us will be transfer to G.8 lol...
it wasn't reali tat unfamiliar class for me,
but i jus couldn't by a sudden to adapt into de new env.,
facing most of de unfamiliar faces...
altot our fate in G.10 mayb stopped for today,
but it wasn't de end for our FrienDshiP!!
we've once Laugh, Play, hav Meal,
as well as havin Fun together for our 1st Yr...
dis is de fact tat will never be changed!!
ForEvEr We aRe,
‡ EvErLasTinG FrienDshiP wiLL Be ‡
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