About Me

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Muar, Johor, Malaysia
I've fall in love v 'U', Like to cried out things tat had been happened from days to days for 'U'... Like to look at 'U' whenever mood I'm in... Like to place all my Unforgettable Memories jus to let 'U' know... Like to let 'U' keep all my Sadness n Happiness... My Dear Blog~
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I BeLieVe...

Once again I start to believe in 'U'
Once again I handle all my burden to 'U'
Once again I felt the touch of 'U' in my heart
Once again I felt the closeness btw 'U' and Me

Thankz so much that i've never been forgotten...
Thankz so much for all the arrangement around me...
Thankz so much that i've been given another chance...

*JESUS, my Lord
U're here to help in released all my sadness,
U're here given me another chance to serve U,
U're here helpin me to change of my current situation.
I'm blessing to have U, Jesus...


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