About Me

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Muar, Johor, Malaysia
I've fall in love v 'U', Like to cried out things tat had been happened from days to days for 'U'... Like to look at 'U' whenever mood I'm in... Like to place all my Unforgettable Memories jus to let 'U' know... Like to let 'U' keep all my Sadness n Happiness... My Dear Blog~
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Shhh...SILENT PLZ!!!

Everything seems to be change in a short!!
It was jus a few days,
Frustrated, Disappointed, SPEECHLESS!!!

De things that i expected...
Things that i've been worryin for...
What can i do?!
It was my choice...

I should take de responsibility on myself!!

Don to ask!!

Don to blame!!

Don to complaint!!

Its too late!!!

Music was de only way to expressed of my feeling...

n silent was the best outcome...

0 words for Ϋεη_燕: