About Me

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Muar, Johor, Malaysia
I've fall in love v 'U', Like to cried out things tat had been happened from days to days for 'U'... Like to look at 'U' whenever mood I'm in... Like to place all my Unforgettable Memories jus to let 'U' know... Like to let 'U' keep all my Sadness n Happiness... My Dear Blog~
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My Pleasure~

It was a pleasure tat there are frens who will be there to nag on u,

still there giving u advise, always be there caring for u...
rather than those who tends to left u alone
n ignore u until u drop into de a TRAP!!!


THANKS so much for all of yours concerned frens...
I really appreciate of all de advised given...
I'll always bear in minds of all tat n keep myself aware of a living things called

"Human Being"...!!!

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