Donno how to do to U, my Family...
Donno how to help U currently, my LiL.Brother...
Donno how to solve your problems, my Daddy & Mummy...
Anyway, i'll TRY for to do what I can do...
Try to help in everything that im able to...
I've keep on repeating to myself...
Won't let all of u suffer!!!
Especially U, Mummy...
Wait me to earn more $$ to U...
Wait me to bring U to overseas by my own...
Wait me to buy everything that you've desire for long...
Wait me to provide U with a better lifestyle that U ever have...
I'll let our family to be set FREE from financial freedom!!!
I Promise, I WILL!!!
I will proved to U that my decision was right...
Thanks in everything U have given...
Thanks in bringing us till a useful person...
Thanks for your hard earn which enable us to study...
Thanks for giving us a Happy Family...
Thanks for having U...
As I've promised before,
I'll help U in sharing and taking de responsibility of our family!!!
Im Sure I Can!!!
Wait ME!!!
Don to worry...
As Sis promised U...
I'll earn as much as I can in order to support your expenses abroad...
Just wish that U can study well...
Wish that U can let Dad & Mum to be proud of U...
Let us be more confidence in you & your future...
Be a useful MAN!!!
I know U will not let us down...
I believe in U... :)
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